
Preflight preparation & procedures#

Airport operations#

  • Taxiing

  • Communications

Takeoffs, landings & go-arounds#


  • Regular

  • Short field

  • Soft field

with an optional 50 foot obstacle.


  • Regular

  • Short field

    • Within 200 feet of touchdown point

    • Within 1.3 Vso

  • Soft field

Basic instrument maneuvers#

  • Foggles

  • Unusual attitudes

Steep Turns#

  • 45 degree bank +/- 5 degrees

  • Maintain altitude +/- 100 feet

  • Maintain airspeed +/- 10 knots

  • Complete the turn within 10 degrees of your entry heading

Slow flight#

  • Flying just above stall speed

  • Back side of the power curve

Power on/off stalls#

  • Simulate stall on takeoff

  • Simulate stall on approach

Emergency Operations#

  • Engine fire

  • Engine out

  • Off-field landing

Ground reference maneuvers#

Always enter maneuvers with the wind, this will ensure the largest radius will come first so you don’t have to turn super tightly on the second half of your maneuver.

  • S-turns

  • Turns around a point

Postflight procedures#